Monday, February 14, 2011

Q&A: K-12 educators, can you compare and contrast a curriculum map and a yearly course outline?

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Question by Neolithisistic: K-12 educators, can you compare and contrast a curriculum map and a yearly course outline?

I'm a 4th grade homeroom teacher at a new school. For the first time in my short teaching career our curriculum coordinator is asking me for both documents. I'm just not sure what the difference is. As far as I see it, a yearly course outline is identical to a curriculum map? So what makes them unique documents?Thanks for your time.

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Answer by Open Admin
First of all, why on this green earth is the curriculum coordinator asking for this? He/she should already have the curriculum map done and provide it to you. That is their job. As for the yearly course outline, in my experience, that would entail what standards based skills will be mastered and in what time frame. For example, kids will write a 5 paragraph expository essay indpendently by October 14, students will be taught simplifying fractions by Sept. 13, etc. etc.

To be frank with you, it sounds like your school is poorly managed. If individual teachers are creating curriculum maps (maps of what chapters and stories will be taught in what time fram) then you are hindering your kids because they will not be able to transition to a new teacher smoothly as you may all be in different places at the same time. In my district, that coordinator would be sent back to the classroom because they obviously have no clue what they are doing.
I am disgusted they want a yearly course outline. That type of thing should be done monthly or bi-weekly as changes will need to be made to accomodate students displaying mastery of a standard earlier than expected or formative assessment showing a need to redirect teaching.

Anyway, as for your question, here is the quick summary

Curriculum Map- What part of the book will you do what week.

Course Outline- What standards and skills will be taught in which week/month

What do you think? Answer below!

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